

许多组织很难发现无形广告优势的货币价值,而承诺是对员工进行培训的无形成果之一(Phillips&Stone,2002)。培训和承诺之间的关系背后存在着社会交换理论和对等准则,它们说明了员工将如何响应组织的感知支持。互惠准则有两个假设。首先,个人必须帮助曾经帮助过他们的任何人。其次,个人绝不应伤害得到帮助的人的身体(Gouldner,1960年)。当员工看到组织行为时,作为积极评价的结果,可以增加组织的感知支持(Eisenberger,Hunting ton,Hutchison和Sowa,1986)。这表明,当给员工提供培训和发展机会以消除工作上的不足时,他们报告的是对组织的支持不足。相反,当员工认为培训机会为他们的贡献提供了认可时,他们对组织支持的看法就会增加。培训和发展已成为员工提高技能的重要因素,而雇主将其视为维持和保持员工忠诚度的工具(Zehra,2016年)。

在职培训也被视为组织为增强在职知识而计划的一系列活动和技能,或者以与组织的目标和工作相一致的方式修改成员的态度和行为要求(Musmuliana&Mustaffa,2012)。关于培训和发展还有其他定义作为一个单一的概念。有人将培训和发展定义为人们获得或吸收技能的过程,增强其有效性的知识。他们以多种方式做到这一点,例如:指导和领导,领导,组织,并影响他人(Khan等,2011; Musmuliana&Mustaffa,2012)。

培训的有效性也可以基于个人已完成的培训数量来确定。其他关于这种做法的有效性要考虑的重要培训要素是培训的优势和参加培训的重要性。关键的培训和发展目标包括收集以下知识:为员工积累必要的知识,有助于正确有效地执行工作任务的知识(Truitt,2011年)。就雇主而言,他们可能不足够重视员工发展需求,因为他们倾向于仅提供培训对他们来说最有价值的服务或工作流程(Truitt,2011)。但是,其他作者也考虑了培训和开发实践,在职培训,培训设计和作为组织研究领域中最重要的领域之一(Musmuliana&Mustaffa,2012; Truitt,2011)。培训在组织目标的制定中起着关键作用,并通过整合来实现这一目标组织利益及其员工的利益。制定培训目标对于





该术语在文献中有许多定义和内涵。这些定义中的一些概述如下:(Prasad&Gulshan,2001)。弗雷德里克·泰勒(Frederick Taylor)将管理定义为“了解和认识一个人所渴望的艺术达成目标,并了解如何有效,高效地完成某件事”(泰勒,1914年)。泰勒致力于提高生产力,正如上面定义所指出的那样,他通常将其附加到管理层(Levin-Waldman,2015年; Witzel&Warner,2015)。他强调,人们应该利用人力资本,机器,金钱和财产的利用。用于产生所需输出的材料。据他说,对这项工作有深入的了解并选择了最多的合理的选择应该是当务之急。具体来说,泰勒哲学最严厉的批评之一是它对人们的需求以及工作之间人们之间形成的关系和纽带(无论是正式的还是非正式的(Prasad&Gulshan,2001)。但是,泰勒的继任者亨利·法约尔(Henri Fayol)将管理层视为能够生成预测,计划,组织,指挥,协调并确保在上述所有过程中都实现最大程度的控制(麦当劳,2010; Prasad和Gulshan,2001年)。 Fayol为管理领域带来的定义新颖之处在于有人第一次提到并列出了构成实现目标的先决条件的特定管理功能预期的结果(Prasad&Gulshan,2001)。 Fayol解释说,管理是一系列相互关联的过程,包括:计划,组织,指导,协调和控制(Prasad和Gulshan,2001; Wren,Bedeian和Breeze,2002)。尽管存在管理概念的各种其他定义,但还是对其进行了相应提炼该概念的本质,不仅在理论上,而且在经验上,都具有一些共同的组成部分:以上讨论的管理职能(Prasad&Gulshan,2001)。管理被认为是影响绩效的关键因素之一(Aguinis,2013; Aucoin,1990; Aucoin,1990)。Polidano等,1999)。

此外,该领域的学者强调遵循有效管理的重要性产生高水平绩效的实践,认为对管理的信任与心理上同样重要组件,以提高工作效率并实现更高的性能水平。绩效管理是一个特定的术语,本质上是指与绩效输出相关的管理过程。绩效管理和财务管理系统是XX实现预算目标的手段(Campos&Pradhan,1996; Pollitt,2001年)。在公共部门,绩效管理系统与财务系统的集成鉴于以下方面的重要性,管理对于建立良好的人力资源实践具有重大意义,这样的做法会影响组织的最终绩效(Pollitt,2001年)。 (Campos&Pradhan,1996)确定了可以作为公共组织绩效标准的指导基准的许多目标。因此,据认为:(一)维持财政纪律,(二)按照XX优先事项分配资源,和(三)促进有效利用预算资源有效交付公共计划和服务的效率;将协助机构通过指导来配置其组织管理系统,财务和绩效管理系统,他们在开发必要的工具和建立适当的激励系统以最小化问题和实现目标(Campos&Pradhan,1996; Pollitt,2001)。

培训是正确组织的,复杂的过程,其结果是提高员工的资格,掌握新技能并扩大范围员工知识(Kochmańska2016,第126-137页)。最常关联与人类的专业领域,不仅在工作中。通常,培训可以使找一份新工作(Łaguna,Fortuna 2009,第12页)。在新的工作场所也进行员工培训是为了扩大与占领位置相关的知识和技能,培训涉及那些与追求工作机会没有联系的员工给定的职业(Silin等人,2014年,第69页)。培训还检查了候选人的选择,以便正确的人处于正确的位置。随着变化在市场上发生的情况以及各单位在职位上的不断斗争,从而使管理人员对培训的重要性的认识逐渐降低。正确的合适的培训系统可使员工最大程度地实现组织的目标,这对员工的积极性也有很大的影响系统。

此外,训练有素的培训可以使(Armstrong 2007,p。 449):通过鼓励他们与员工认同来提高员工敬业度组织的使命和目标,减少候选人在学习过程中犯下的错误的代价,通过许多发展机会,受教育的机会薪酬,仅吸引高素质的候选人,提高单位员工,整个团队和公司的效率反过来将提高质量,速度和生产率,在公司中创造并保持良好的氛围,旨在实现更好的结果协助进行变更管理,培训使工人能够获取知识和他们在新形势下需要找到的技能。正确准备的培训对单个员工和整个组织。通过提高员工满意度来提高财务结果部门A. Andrzejczak在表1中介绍了《设计和实施培训》一书。



因此,要处理所需的培训对象就是选择合适的培训方法。对于选择合适的方法具有影响力(Piechnik-Kurdziel 2000,Konopka,2012年,第2页。 101-103):训练方面(理论或实践),教练技能,小组的特殊性,学科领域和目标。

培训技术和形式可以根据不同的方式进行分组采取的标准。在本章中,将讨论定义与工作流程之间的关系训练的标准:在工作训练上,在职训练下。培训对中小企业行业员工激励的影响,父母对孩子说“让我展示”时,就会出现“在工作中”的方法,您如何做到这一点”,这种形式就是当一个人学习另一个人时出现的情况(Raheja 2015)。

在此培训期间,此方法与工作场所直接相关,其次是知识,技能和态度的转移主管和其他员工直接进行现场任务。虽然他们有一个有利于直接了解职位工作要求的优势,也有几个缺点。它们通常非常昂贵,并且会及时分发。他们的“直接性”可能被证明是一个制约因素,尤其是在现有做法下有缺陷-错误或重复的员工低效工作流程(Listwan 1998,p。85)。


Training and Employee Commitment: The Social Exchange Perspective

Ali Junaid Khan   Jawad Iqbal *

Abstract: Existing literature on organizational commitment and training suggest that there is a positive relationship between the two variables. However, most of the studies, are conducted in the domain of affective commitment. This study is designed to test the effect of single HR practice training and development on two dimensions of commitment (affective and normative) simultaneously in the mediation of perceived organizational support. The study adopted quantitative approach and data, were collected from nursing staff of public sector hospitals of Southern Punjab through questionnaire. The results indicated that positive relationship of training and development and both dimensions affective and normative commitment are mediated by perceived organizational support. This study proved that even with a single HR practice namely, training and development organizations, can gain the both form of commitment. The study has several implications for hospital management, if they want to provide the quality patient care then they first need to make their nursing staff committed to hospital.

Keywords: Training and development, employee commitment, social exchange theory.


In health care organizations high commitment can be regarded as essential for making the positive employee relations which also have important consequences for the organization because it provides the major role in delivering the top quality health treatment. Contribution of direct care highly correlated with patient care and satisfaction (Casal, 1996). Among nursing staff, organization commitment and job satisfaction is also interlinked (Alpander, 1990). In 2006 Lytle and Timmerman discovered that there existed the strong correlation between service environment and commitment of employee. As globally, there is a change from manufacturing to servicing industry as a result the organization structure and administration has changed dramatically. The organizations now realized that their success largely depends on human assets, therefore organizations are showing growing interest to gain the commitment of their work force to reduce the turnover as it takes much time and cost to train the new comers (Lok & Crawford, 2001). Larger turnover also poses several challenges in delivering the effective health care (Fang, 2001). Nursing staff needs to be proficient in their field and they should know the ways to use their skill and knowledge so that the quality


patient care can be provided.

The new demands placed on employees in health-related jobs come at a time when the whole sector is facing numerous reforms, restructurings and reorganizations at the national, regional and organizational levels. Work stress, burnout, and staff turnover continue to be a major concern for health managers who face a shortage of expected and future staff. This increases the value of loyal and committed employees who are able to provide health care under increasingly demanding conditions. Training is one of the most important investments as it improves employees’ knowledge, skills, attitudes and behavior. Training and development have not only developed the skills and knowledge needed to improve work performance, but also promote the desired attitudes and behavior in the workplace of employees (Franco, Bennett, & Kanfer, 2002). Among the many attitudes studied in the workplace, the concept of organizational commitment is indicated as an increasingly valued attitude towards working in the health sector.

The process of training and developing employees of private and public enterprises has been a source of concern for many organizations that requires special attention. Despite increasing attention to the provision of health services in Pakistan, little attention has been paid to the role of human resources management, especially training and development, which can transform health workers in a committed, motivated and supported workforce by enabling them to provide quality health care service to save the lives. Lack of attention, to an effective training and development strategy in the health sector is one of the key factors between success and failure in Pakistan (Naz, Khan, Daraz, Hussain, & Khan, 2012). Highly skilled and professional staff is required in health care sector of Pakistan to meet the individual role requirement (Adil, Owais, & Qamar, 2018). So in this study we will examine more deeply, the relationship between training and commitment and how training can generate the most desired and favorable dimension of commitment (affective and normative) simultaneously of nursing staff who are directly involve in patient care.

Literature Review

Affective Commitment (AC) & Normative Commitment (NC)

In 1997, Mayer and Allen explored that there are three components of organizational commitment. The first component called affective commitment and defined as an attachment based on emotions of person which enables them to work with devotion, accept the goals as well as objective of employer, maintain the desire to stay in organization and contribute towards the accomplishment of targets sets by organization (Mowday, 1998). High job satisfaction, commitment, less turnover, less intention to leave the organization and high performance are the desired output of affective commitment (Mathieu & Zajac, 1990; Riketta, 2002). The second component is continuance commitment which is generated when an individual, before leaving the organization, thinks in terms of perceived cost associated with time, money and efforts invested in organization (Meyer & Allen, 1997). The last component called the normative commitment and is associated with the feeling of obligation to stay in the organization. This commitment is generated when employee think that it is morally and legally right thing to maintain the membership with organization. In short, they think they should stay in the organization (N.J. Allen & Meyer, 1996; Meyer, Allen, & Smith, 1993). The actual performance of task by employee is linked with employee commitment. When they perceive the level of support from organization they become more productive and efficient (A. Haque & Aston, 2016; A. U. Haque, Faizan, & Cockrill, 2017).

Recently, it is viewed as a commitment based on reciprocation of benefit and a commitment with dual nature which can generate in line with affective and continuously simultaneously or in combination with other dimension of commitment. Meyer and Allen (1991) also argued that commitment is mainly and largely depended on how it is perceived by the employee even a single variable can contribute towards the three dimension of commitment simultaneously. For example, a person who is selected for training program, now this opportunity can develop and generate the desire based on the support from organization, an obligation as result of training benefit reciprocation and a need to stay in the organization based on the view of invested time to acquire new skill related to job.

It has been found that more desirable outcomes occur when NC is combined with AC such as organization citizen behavior, satisfaction, commitment and less turnover. Therefore, AC-NC profile is far more operational and associated with positive outcome then alone dominated AC profile (Wasti, 2005; Somers, 2009). Most of the antecedents of AC and NC are also similar, so there is need of some refinement for those who consider and see AC as sole only outcome in result of social exchange.

Training & Development

Training can be defined as a well-organized, planned and operational activity which is designed to change the attitude as well as behavior of employees. It is also used to enhance and modify the skills in addition to knowledge, to align it with organizational values, goals and objectives to achieve higher productivity and organizational performance (Noe & Kodwani, 2002). There are various dimensions of training such as career related, personal and job related training and among these dimensions personal and career related benefits of training are significantly related with affective and normative commitment found that when employees recognized that the opportunity of training is their genuine need and organization is caring for them, they respond with positive attitude and increased commitment is one of the attitude which employee shows in return of the care given by the management (Phillips & Stone, 2002). There are various opportunities available in different organizations but the concern about the contribution and desired outcomes of training such as satisfaction and commitment remains the question mark (Gaertner & Nollen, 1989). Perhaps the basic goal and purpose of training program is to achieve greater organizational commitment. Training also ensures that the employee is required by an organization and enables retention through training and development, while increasing the level of commitment to the respective organization (Zehra & Faizan, 2017).

It is difficult for many organizations to find out the monetary value of intangible advantage and commitment is one of the intangible outcomes as a result of training given to employees (Phillips & Stone, 2002). The social exchange theory and the norm of reciprocity is existing behind the relationship between training and commitment and shows how employees will respond to the perceived support from organization. There are two assumptions of norm of reciprocity. First, individuals must help anyone who has helped them. Second, individuals should never hurt people physically who get assisted them (Gouldner, 1960). When employee sees the organization action, as an outcome of positive evaluation, the perceived organizational support can be increased (Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, & Sowa, 1986). This shows that when employee is given the training and development opportunity to remove the deficiency in work they report the low perceived organization support. In contrast when employee believes that training opportunity is providing to them as recognition of their contribution their perception about organizational support increased. The training & development has become an important factor for employees to improve their skills, while employers see it as a tool to maintain and retain employee loyalty (Zehra, 2016).

Hi : Training & development has a significant positive effect on affective commitment.

H : Training & development is positively related to normative commitment.

[1]Ali Junaid Khan,Jawad Iqbal.Training and Employee Commitment: The Social Exchange Perspective[J].Journal of Management Sciences.2020,(1):88-93





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